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[EXCEL]如何在Excel中使用Regular Expression

發表於 : 2010年 10月 19日, 16:00
文章引用自: http://ccutmis2.spaces.live.com/Blog/cn ... 1537.entry

在EXCEL工作表中使用Regular Expression
無可置疑的Regular Expression 是文字處理上很強大的工具,在一些常用的文字編輯器上都有這個功能,EXCEL內建的函式並沒有RegExp,
步驟一: 開啟一個新的excel工作表,建立如下內容...
A1: aaa,bbb,ccc
B1: 10k+123~k50
步驟二: 按[Alt]+[F8],開啟巨集面板,在巨集名稱裡輸入"RegEXP",

代碼: 選擇全部

Option Explicit
#Const LateBind = True
Function RegExpSubstitute(ReplaceIn, _
        ReplaceWhat As String, ReplaceWith As String)
    #If Not LateBind Then
    Dim RE As RegExp
    Set RE = New RegExp
    Dim RE As Object
    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        #End If
    RE.Pattern = ReplaceWhat
    RE.Global = True
    RegExpSubstitute = RE.Replace(ReplaceIn, ReplaceWith)
    End Function
Function RegExpFind(FindIn, FindWhat As String, _
        Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean = False)
    Dim i As Long
    #If Not LateBind Then
    Dim RE As RegExp, allMatches As MatchCollection, aMatch As Match
    Set RE = New RegExp
    Dim RE As Object, allMatches As Object, aMatch As Object
    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        #End If
    RE.Pattern = FindWhat
    RE.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
    RE.Global = True
    Set allMatches = RE.Execute(FindIn)
    ReDim rslt(0 To allMatches.Count - 1)
    For i = 0 To allMatches.Count - 1
        rslt(i) = allMatches(i).Value
        Next i
    RegExpFind = rslt
    End Function

然後在上方的函式輸入區輸入 =RegExpSubstitute(A1,"(.{1,3})(,)(.{1,3})(,)(.{1,3})","$5-$3-$1")
完成後按一下[v](輸入),這時你會發現A2的儲存格顯示為 ccc-bbb-aaa ,
表示目前已經可以在EXCEL中運行Regular Expression的強大功能了~!
(註:儲存格A1的內容為 aaa,bbb,ccc)
同理可證如果要將B1(內容為 B1: 10k+123~k50)透過RegExp把 k+ 置換為 . 的話,
只要這麼寫就可以了~ =RegExpSubstitute(C1,"(d{1,3})([kK]++)(d{1,3})","$1.$3")
完成後按一下[v](輸入),這時你會發現A2的儲存格顯示為 10.123~k50 了


若要去除 html code 的語法為 =RegExpSubstitute(A1, "<(.|n)*?>", "") 就可以了.