[轉貼]Use the Windows API to generate a list of available Netw

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註冊時間: 2008年 11月 26日, 00:49

[轉貼]Use the Windows API to generate a list of available Netw

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http://delphi.about.com/gi/dynamic/offs ... %2C00.html


The parameters passed into WNetOpenEnum determine what type of enumeration you will get. In this example dwScope is set to RESOURCE_CONTEXT. This should limit WNetEnumResource() to finding only Network resources within your workgroup, which should be the list of computers retrieved from "Computers Near Me". Setting dwType to RESOURCE_DISK keeps WNetResource() from returning any printers, etc. Check the on line help for more documentation on WNetOpenEnum().

Once WNetOpenEnum() has been called the next step is to to enumerate the handle passed into WNetOpenEnum(), lphEnum. This is done through a call to WNetEnumResource():

DWORD WNetEnumResource(
HANDLE hEnum, // handle to enumeration
LPDWORD lpcCount, // entries to list
LPVOID lpBuffer, // buffer
LPDWORD lpBufferSize // buffer size

WNetEnumResource() also takes a pointer to an array of Network Resources, lpBuffer, which will be stuffed chuck full of yummy network goodness.
Finally, a call to WNetCloseEnum() should be made to close the resource handle:

DWORD WNetCloseEnum(
HANDLE hEnum // handle to enumeration

Here is an example that I ported from Microsoft's Web site Seen Here. I have changed the example to get the computers in the current workgroup, RESOURCE_CONTEXT, instead of grabbing all available global resources.

In my example I use an array of TNetResource as opposed to allocating space for a pointer. I also used FillChar() to initialize the array. These are the main differences from my example and Microsoft's.

代碼: 選擇全部

function EnumerateFunc( hwnd: HWND; hdc: HDC ; lpnr: PNetResource ): Boolean;
 cbBuffer : DWORD   = 16384;      // 16K is a good size
 hEnum, dwResult, dwResultEnum : DWORD;
 lpnrLocal : array
       [0..16384 div SizeOf(TNetResource)] of TNetResource;    // pointer to enumerated structures
 i : integer;
 cEntries : Longint;            
 centries := -1;   // enumerate all possible entries

 // Call the WNetOpenEnum function to begin the enumeration.
 dwResult := WNetOpenEnum(
                         RESOURCE_CONTEXT,  // Enumerate currently connected resources.
                         RESOURCETYPE_DISK, // all resources
                         0,                 // enumerate all resources
                         lpnr,              // NULL first time the function is called
                         hEnum              // handle to the resource

 if (dwResult <> NO_ERROR) then
   // Process errors with an application-defined error handler
   Result := False;

 // Initialize the buffer.
 FillChar( lpnrLocal, cbBuffer, 0 );

 // Call the WNetEnumResource function to continue
 //  the enumeration.
 dwResultEnum := WNetEnumResource(hEnum,           // resource handle
                                 DWORD(cEntries),  // defined locally as -1
                                 @lpnrLocal,       // LPNETRESOURCE
                                 cbBuffer);        // buffer size

 // This is just printing
 for i := 0 to cEntries - 1 do
   // loop through each structure and
   // get remote name of resource... lpnrLocal[i].lpRemoteName)

 // Call WNetCloseEnum to end the enumeration.
 dwResult := WNetCloseEnum(hEnum);

 if(dwResult <> NO_ERROR) then
   // Process errors... some user defined function here
   Result := False;
   Result :=  True;
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